My passion is to make a difference in the lives of families, and particularly children and teens. So I want to give you all the links you need in one place.
seeing clients 1:1 or on zoom
training people like you to do what I do so they in turn can help children living near them
training children and teens to learn NLP and EFT techniques in a more structured way through the Junior NLP Programme
creating podcast episodes
recording You Tube videos
posting on Instagram
writing blog posts here
writing posts on Substack
posting on Facebook page
posting on Facebook group
writing books
holding events
Ha ha looking at that long list no wonder I'm so busy writing content!
You are certainly aware I'm sure of most of these but I know that Substack may be unfamiliar to you so I thought I'd just tell you a bit about it. It's more likely to be known to you if you enjoy reading because it is a platform favoured by readers and writers.
Substack is a platform used a lot by writers like me who want to share their writing and test out new content from books we're working on.
I post there more often than on this website as it's where people tend to go who want to read what I write rather than perhaps wanting to book a session or check out my services. They want to learn about how they can be understand children and teens better or listen to my podcasts and watch my videos.
You can subscribe free of course.
If you want more lengthy articles and more resources for coaching or for working with kids, my readers pay £5 a month to get this different level of content. For example, I've just sent my paid subscribers, a free chapter on Anxiety from 'Empower your Kids'.
Have a look at the type of articles and content I publish on Substack and also have a browse on there because you'll find your favourite authors also have their own website on Substack and you can enjoy a more personal connection I think when you tap into an author's website.
I notice not many visitors to my website, go to look at what I've written. Of course, all my books are on Amazon but if you want a signed copy then buy them from my shop
I currently have a few writing projects on the go and you'll find content on my Substack.
Maybe I'll see you over there soon.
