What does it involve?
Is this something that would interest you either personally in your own life as a parent or as a way to create a business helping other parents and children?
Perhaps you are a teacher or therapist, social worker or someone already in a similar type of job and would be interested to add to your skill-set?
This is about making a difference in the lives of children, teens and parents in your community and in your own home.

It is for those who want to work with children and teens professionally using NLP, EFT and Play and Art Therapy as core or additional skills to teaching, social work or similar.
As an experienced and busy family therapist myself, I can give you plenty of examples of how I use these techniques with children as young as pre-school, through to university students with various issues and conditions. I also share the work I do with mums and dads either on their own issues around being a parent which will likely go back to their own childhood, or working with them as a couple on issues they have coparenting, based on perhaps different ideas about being a parent. Obviously everything I share is completely anonymous.
Issues are so wide ranging, yet what I will teach you is applicable to any case you might be faced with and I support you as you start seeing your first clients as you train and build your own business, acting as a mentor as you work with your own paying clients.
The training takes you through the core theoretical elements and techniques of Neuro Linguistic Programming in modules 1 - 7
Module 1 – Welcome and intro to NLP, EFT, PTT and Clean Language
We start by talking about your existing skills and qualities, discussing how your new skills will add to those you already have as a mum, teacher, or other similar role.
Module 1 – Train as an NLP & EFT Kids Practitioner - breakdown and summary of the key components of the course and preparing you for it. I will also give you a first taster session to do with your first 'client' who could be your own child or maybe a friend's child.
Module 2 - The Drama Triangle – this job isn't about fixing children (because we don't believe anyone is 'broken') but about guiding them from a place where they feel 'poor me' ('victim' position in the Drama Triangle) to a place of empowerment where they appreciate existing skills and qualities and now have new skills to manage the things they struggle with. You will learn how to recognise the different positions in our client family dynamic and show them how to move out of 'victim', 'persecutor' or 'rescuer'.

Module 3 – The NLP Beliefs of Excellence – NLP was founded on a number of ideas or 'beliefs' that it was found through extensive research, proved effective in helping us move from a stuck state to an empowered state. We will talk about these in terms of our own beliefs and how we can help children to use whichever of these ideas will help them to feel resourced, positive, confident and resilient
Module 4 – The NLP Communication Model – how we process our world, helping children understand what they can control and what they cannot, how to control better what is in their control so that they can manage the emotions from those things they cannot control. We talk about the mind and how it processes what we see, hear and feel and how by changing what we make those thoughts mean (our internal representation) we can change the outcome.
Module 5 - VAK and the Meta Programmes - we each process things differently. We might focus more on what we observe, what we hear or what we do. Then there is another layer of processing; do we match or mismatch? Do we focus on what we want or what we want to avoid? Do we take more notice of what others say than what we ourselves know to be true? Do we favour choices or do we prefer to just do it? When children know their own programmes, they can choose where on the scale they need to be in the moment. This power gives them choices to consider what process will give them the outcome they want.
Module 6 – Compelling outcomes - using the SMART system to achieving what they want in an ecological way. We learn how to take a client through the process of aligning themselves to what they want and knowing which skills and qualities will get them there. We show them the Circle of Excellence.

Module 7 – Overcoming self limiting beliefs. There are a number of NLP techniques that we learn in this module and you will find one that you like best but knowing each of them means that you have flexibility in your client session.
Module 8 - EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) . You will have lots of clients with anxiety, anger, emotions that defy logic. They have no idea why they have this emotion but it lives in the energy system in their body, not in their mind so by tapping on the acupressure points while focusing on the emotion, we can clear it very quickly.
Module 9 - Play and Art Therapy - many children and teens find it hard to talk about their feelings especially at the start so we use techniques like these to build trust and acceptance by providing activities where there is no right or wrong answer. They are fun and yet very insightful for you and your client. You will learn Lego modelling, sand tray, art, crystals and vision boards.

Module 10 - Picture Tapping Technique. Here we spend more time using EFT tapping and add in another element- drawing and tapping on lego models they've made. These might be models of trust, friendship, happiness etc
Module 11 – NLP Modelling - At the core of NLP is the belief that we already have all the resources we need, whether they are in our own life experiences or by observing them in those close to us. By learning the process of modelling, we show children how to take what others do, copy it, apply that new belief and use it for their own benefit.
Module 12 – Time Line. This is another core NLP technique which we combine with tapping and use to
access models of excellence from the past, anchor them and move them to where we need them now
return to events in the past that have imprinted a limiting belief and change them using tapping so that your client can be rid of it for ever
What's the investment?
£995 up front
£100 per module pay as you go
What do you get?
Sessions arranged to suit you on a week by week basis so you can take breaks when you need to or do more than one a week if that suits some weeks. I work weekends.
1:1 live sessions which you can record
Notes that form your manual
You can ask questions as we train
Time is allowed for discussion and examples
If you want to focus on a specific age group or want to work in school or work with parents, fostering/adoption or Social Work then I can ensure my examples are relevant to you.
There is a whatsapp student group where you can connect with other students studying in the same year as you so you can practice with them and discuss the course.
Practice sessions are offered monthly which you can access in person or online and book separately here.
You can buy my books at cost price
Yes you get a certificate. I am an ANLP accredited trainer and the training is co-accredited by my own trainer Sue Knight
If you're a subscriber to my website you can get Module 1 free so you can get a good idea of what training with me is like and take away the first client session to use with your own child. Get in touch to arrange it to suit your availability.