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NLP books for children

Writer: Judy BartkowiakJudy Bartkowiak

Updated: Jul 5, 2024

I'm frequently asked by parents how they can help their child to learn techniques to help themselves overcome their anxiety or anger and also how they can learn more about how their brain works so they can know what to do when they feel out of control or confused. So let me introduce you to my NLP books for children.

I wrote a series called Engaging NLP some years ago and luckily for me, NLP hasn't really changed since it was developed back in the 60s. The principles developed then, still apply today.

I wrote the books so children could read them for themselves. I've been working with children and teens all my working life and I've written books for children (you can find them in my shop) so I know how to explain the little exercises and activities to them.

Here are some reviews of NLP for Children from Amazon ..... and no I didn't need to bribe anyone to write them!

"Engaging NLP for Children is an excellent easy to read book for Adults and Children, keeps it simple, with worksheets for putting NLP into practice giving a better understanding of what NLP is all about.

Being an NLP Master life coach myself I recommend this book to any one who has an interest in NLP.

Would also like to recommend Engaging NLP for Parents, by the same Author."

"Having learned so much from NLP techniques, I was intrigued by this book which is written specifically for children to learn to master these life skills themselves. With one child with Asperger's and the other on the ADHD spectrum (currently under diagnosis) I didn't know how much they would understand and how they could relate the words to their own experiences. I was quite surprised at how much they grasped.

What I found was that there were some words in the book that needed a little further explanation before they understood what it meant. Once they grasped the ideas they were able to add their own examples which showed they did get the point. My youngest, 7 years old, in particular has learned quite a lot about himself and will now be able to use this to his advantage in the future.

There are a lot of negative influences that come at children every day from their peers, teachers, media and even stressed parents. NLP for Children is a toolbox of skills that allows children to challenge the negativity rather than accept it. It also shows them how to bring more positive energy into their lives.

I downloaded the Kindle version of the book but unlike most books, this one really needs to be a print version. There are prompts for the children to draw or write answers and in order to get the full impact of the book; they really need to be able to do these exercises in the manner the author intended."

"This book is for your children to read to get introduced to NLP. It has many different worksheets that I thought would be very helpful for a child to go through about different topics, including controlling your moods, goals, confidence, making friends, and more. I would think that these would be great worksheets for guidance counselors, teachers, and parents to use to get conversations started and to help your child work through different issues. It stresses the fact that everyone learns differently and this is not a wrong thing, but rather a normal thing and it makes children special. It is written for children ages 5 to 11, but I had my teenager read it and do some of the worksheets and he enjoyed it as well. I think that this is an excellent companion book with NLP for Parents by the same author or it is a great stand alone book to use with your child or with your students."

This book serves as a good introduction to NLP for your Primary School child aged 5-10yrs. It covers

  • self-esteem

  • setting goals

  • controlling their mood

  • managing criticism

  • coping with change

  • coping with grief

  • making friends

  • learning styles (VAK)

Helping your child with their emotions
Engaging NLP for Children 5-10yrs

NLP for Tweens is for the next stage, secondary school ages 10-14yrs, that tricky (for some) transition between being a child and moving into being a young adult. They need to learn about being responsible, independent, and they need to cope with

  • onset of puberty

  • growth of personal responsibility

  • relationships

  • schoolwork and exams

  • peer group pressure

  • body image

  • bullying

Here's what some have said about it on Amazon.

"My daughter has thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and has learnt some fantastic things about herself which I know will help her as she grows up. It’s also stimulated some amazing conversations at the dinner table with my teen son, tween stepson and partner, which has been really fun to be involved in, so thank you!! Will be buying the teen version soon!"

"Having read several of Judy Bartkowiak NLP books & as the mother of an 11 year old just about to start secondary school, I eagerly awaited this book for Tweens. It did not disappoint!I read the book (after downloading it onto my Kindle) & thought it was very useful and mostly relevant.

The familiar format was fun & enjoyable to read. The quizzes especially engage the Tween reader.

I really loved the failure=feedback section, especially the scientist and the toddler analogy.I think some of it would be more relevant to the upper end of the age range."

"Great book!

I'm a german NLP Coach myself, but kids are not my main clients and sometimes I find it difficult to coach my own family. So thanks to the WWW I got in contact with Judy and got the book for my nearly 10 year old English speaking son. I felt that it made him proud to have his first own NLP book after having seen his mum reading a lot of Bandler etc. He took it because the book is not too big, so he really read a lot. It is wonderful how Judy meets the language and the topics of exactly this age group. The chapters are a good size, too, and the quizzes and exercises are very helpful. Many of the NLP basic skills are mentioned , so my son's knowledge is quite solid now. To summarize I would like to use an example written in the book: Judy describes that she didn't like what she heard from her son's Ipod and he answered: it is because you only hear the beats and I hear the music. My son and I, we are both visual, so translated to our main way to represent, it means: Judy's book makes us not to see only a colour but wonderful pictures in our life and even more - it supports us to paint. Definitely want to read more of Judy's books ."

Helping children with transition to secondary school
Engaging NLP for Tweens 10-14yrs

Next let's go to NLP for Teens. This was such a difficult book to write and I admit that having been written some years ago, the content is out of date. However, more in terms of examples as the issues facing teens in terms of

  • confidence, how to get it and keep it

  • non verbal communication

  • verbal communication

  • managing exam stress

  • getting a job

  • relationships and sex

still exist.

Here's what the reviews say on Amazon.

"I bought this for my daughter who was struggling with herself during her GCSE year. I am a certified practitioner in NLP and found this book to be a great help as unlike most books I have on the subject, is written in teens language. My daughter has found it extremely useful. I noticed that it was often close to hand as she was working etc in her bedroom. We have seen a change in her behaviour and she achieved great results at GCSE!"

"NLP can be a complex subject matter to understand for many and not enough NLP practitioners work to make It accessible to younger people. It could be argued that this is the one group in society who could benefit from NLP the most. Judy's book reads really well and simplifies everything for the reader. As an NLP practitioner myself I know this isn't an easy task and I would recommend any of Judy's books to everyone from existing NLP practitioners to anyone with an interest in personal development."

Helping children with exams, relationships, stress
Engaging NLP for Teens 14-18yrs

I'll write separate posts on the other books in the series but wanted you to know that these books have been reduced to £5 each in my shop

simple, easy to read and full of NLP tips
Engaging NLP series £5 each in the shop

You'll also find many worksheets in the shop and free book chapters.

Get in touch to have a chat and you'll find lots of free resources here

I've written a great many books, my friends say "What?! another book?!" but I love to share what I know and parents do seem to appreciate it.

Check my shop for translations
Judy Bartkowiak - prolific writer and published author



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