How are your children feeling about the return to school next week? Is back to school anxiety in your home?

I've written a post on my Substack that you might find helpful. It talks you through how to discuss it with them and build on their positive developments over the last 6 weeks rather than them focusing on how things were last term if they weren't so great. Children may be holding school associated anxiety over things that happened when they were last at school relating to friends or teachers, schoolwork or fear of leaving you after so long together.
You'll find it here
In this blog post I'd like to remind you about EFT Tapping.
When we feel anxious and worried, we tend to feel this in our body, often in our belly or chest. It may even have a colour. You can start talk about these feelings using My Mood Boards
I interviewed Wendy White on my You Tube channel. Here we are talking about how to talk about emotions.
Although this seems more appropriate for younger children, I find it helpful for all ages as they can feel a mix of so many emotions and as they pick each one they feel about going back to school, they acknowledge and accept it rather than having to explain the 'why' to you or themselves.
They can also draw a picture of themselves and colour in the different emotions they feel. There are very good examples of how to use this approach in my recent books. Empower your kids has separate chapters for each emotion together with tapping scripts and explanations. you'll also find tapping videos on my you tube channel.
If you are a coach, teacher, practitioner or anyone who works professionally with children, you might prefer 'Understanding children and teens.'
Here is a handy tapping diagram for you.

Tap along with your child as they think about what is worrying them as they tap, what colour the worry is and where it is in their body, you can just think about 'all these feelings' or 'all these worries' and they don't need to name them. Both of you tapping together is called 'borrowing the benefits' and increases the effectiveness.
Although as many of you know, I am in Australia until after they go back to school, the time difference means that I can talk to them, tap with them or help you in my evening, your morning. I am zooming with clients like that at the moment but if you'd like to book them in for an in person, I am back Wednesday 10th.
May I wish you all a very relaxed back to school with lots of smiles and laughter. How you feel about the return to school will pass to them energetically (even though I know you will be trying hard to conceal it) and so you might find it helpful to book a free tapping 30 minute call. Just message me 07917 451245 (it doesn't cost any more as it's UK mobile to UK mobile) or whatsapp.
This is usually my busiest time so I am tuned in to you all and what might eb going on in your home at this time. I am here for you.