5 Easy Steps to becoming a Happier Parent with NLP
You can find clients in the strangest of places!
Learn how EFT can help you and your Autistic child or teen.
Dealing with anger
Explaining how children process your communication
The difference between intention and impact
Supporting a child with nausea and anxiety
Crystal Healing with kids
You are not superwoman!
Welcome to my blog for parents, coaches and teachers with posts about helping children and teens
Children's therapy, what can my child expect?
Confidence and Resilience programme for Year 7 kids
Who says? How to get a different, more helpful perspective on the issue.
7 ways a parent can get a better understanding of their children
Understanding the process of your child's anger
Birth trauma - how Matrix Birth Reimprinting works
NLP & EFT Kids Practitioner - which training option to choose
How to use NLP Anchoring to calm your child
How can you prepare your teen to leave home feeling confident?
So what don't you want this year?